Joe's Story Continues

Date: Mon Aug 5 22:19:27 1996

Subject: My Anal Fissure Bob

Dear Jill?


I came upon your web site quite by accident. I have to say that I found it to be quite informative.

It's surprising to me how little that most of the physicians that I speak with know about anal fissures.

When I originally wrote My Anal Fissure Bob I was just trying to do something that reflected my angst and frustration. My story is essentially true. I had in fact been mis-diagnosed 4 times! Further, the physicians that I delt with were not very gentle or understanding! Finger up my ass first, ask questions later!

I've recently been told by an Israeli surgeon that violent anal dilation (VAD) is at best an antiquated method that is seldom used by skilled practitioners. The treatment of choice is called lateral sphincterotomy.

I STILL HAVE BOB ON BOARD! He's not as evil as he was, but he's still there.

I am going to follow the guidelines that you've set forth in your web page.

I actually became a vegetarian two years ago. Bob DID get better then. I eat quite a lot of cheese though. Guess it's gotta go.

All fun aside. Anal fissures are (in addition to being a pain in the ass) terrible things to walk around with. There is an emotional toll that's paid along with the physical discomfort.

Thanks for taking the time.

Best regards,
Joe Cidoni

Date: Wed Aug 21 22:23:09 1996

Subject: Re: My Anal Fissure Bob



Yeah sure, feel free to post my letter. You may also include my email address if you wish.

I am a bit confused about your Jill/Jack monicker. I respect your privacy, but I can't help but to wonder as to why. Your gender is really not an issue with me.....just curious as to your true identity.

Theory #1.

I had read in several newsgroups that people who identify themselves as women are often bombarded with tons of unwanted and often offensive postings.

Theory #2.

You are in fact someone at NASA who would be known to the public at large. ie. Shuttle crew/Admin.

I liked your theories. I thought I should have a name so I picked one and it was Jill. Not much thought behind the name except that I wanted it clear it was not my name so I selected a woman's name (I am male). As for #2, I want to help but do not want any attention because of my help. I have gotten many positive responses from my pages and so I think it has been worth the effort to construct and maintain them. I am amazed that they are accessed 2 to 10 times a day every day. See what you started by your posting years ago. :-)

Perhaps my next tale should be; "Anal Fissure Bob in Zero G."

Best regards,
Joe Cidoni

DeathToBobDate: Thu, 22 Aug 96 21:36:00 +0200


Subject: Re: Return of Bob

A few new thoughts on an anal fissure named Bob.

Okay, so we all know about the pain, humiliation etc. I found myself delaying treatment for years. When I finally did get treated, turns out it didn't work.

Well, here I am again with a recurant fissure. And as before, I haven't sought treatment. .....Until today.

Let the saga continue. Death to Bob.

After reading your excellent home page and consulting via EMAIL with an Israeli surgeon I've decided to give it another try. I didn't want to do violent anal dilation again. In fact, I've recently been told that it's an outdated procedure and definitely not the treatment of choice.

I want to go on the nitro. There's a joke here somewhere. Something about filling your anal fissure with nitroglcycerin....perhaps a tattoo accross my cheeks; "No smoking within 100 feet" may be appropriate.

Problem: I called my local health care provider here in rural Finland. Guess what? They've never heared of nitro therapy. The doctor was such a dumb shit. Why would I want nitro? he asked. Do I have angina? Same doctor that refered me out for dilation. He refered me by phone to a special health care center in a larger town. After about ten minutes of conversation with the doc I realize that I'm talking to a gynocologist (this is true). Great! Except uhh I've got a penis okay? The gyno was nice enough though. Still no luck.

When I spoke to the third doc 'o the day he insisted that I come in for a fingering. I ABSOLUTELY REFUSE TO HAVE ANOTHER DOCTORS FINGER UP MY BUTT. I told him what the problem was and he belittled me. Swear to God! "Are you a doctor?" He asked. "No," I answered." Then what makes you think that you can diagnose yourself?" My reply? Easy," I've had a nine cm anal fissure named Bob living in my ass and making my life hell for the better part of 7 years. Because I've been reamed, poked, prodded, hurt and misdiagnosed by the best of em. Because I've read every goddamn thing I can get my hands on about anal fissures. Because, I've survived a poorly rendered surgical procedure called violent anal dilation.

And best of all, because I read the Anal Fissure Self Help Page.

I have an appointment with a GP who sounds like she has an open mind. I've called the local pharmacy and they do in fact have nitro ointment 2%. So all I need's the script. I will come to my appointment well prepared and armed to give her all the fissure URL's I can find including the most excellent Butt Doctor. Thank you butt doctor. Perhaps a little nitro will close this crack in my sanity that's caused oh so much trauma over the years. Now, if I can only get the fissurecide.

Wish me luck. I'll keep you posted as to weather or not I can convince this doc to let me have the nitro. If so, I'll apprise you all of my progress. (or explosion.)

Best of luck to you Joe and thanks many times over for the help you have given all that have read your story.

Thank you for your interest in My Anal Fissure Bob.

Joe Cidoni

This is the visit to this page since 27 Jan 97.

Last modified: 23 Aug 96, back to home page.