Fan 5

Date: Fri, 11 Oct 96 19:59:58

Subject: Anal Fissures, home remedy

I came across this home remedy by accident last February.

My problem was so bad that I could not get out of bed until late morning rather than the usual 4:00 AM.

This went on for 3-4 months until I started drinking LARGE quantities of water every morning. I drink 80 oz. of water (at one time!) when I get up in the morning.

Have no idea why this works, but the results are unbelievable. I now feel great and get up early in the morning for a long, productive day. The doctors at University Hospitals in Iowa City cannot explain, but do say that it is not bacterial; I thought that maybe the water was dilluting/flushing out intestinal bacteria.

Has anyone tried this??? Can anyone explain this??? It has certainly got to be the easiest, cheapest and least risky remedy one could try. Please let me know if it works for you!

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