Patient 48

Patient 48

Date: Wed, 20 Aug 2003 20:14:33 -0500


I just wanted to tell you that your web-site is very informative and helpful to someone who just found today that I have an anal fissure. The doctor prescribed the NTG treatment and to come back for a check up in three weeks. I am hoping (okay, praying) that this therapy works for me. I know that my problem started when I began a high protein, low carb diet (Atkins) to lose weight. This entails a very low fiber diet. I have lost 55 lbs. in 4 months, however, now I wonder if it was all worth it now that I have this "PITA" (Pain In The Ass). Thank you again for all the information on your site. I will keep my fingers crossed that I am one of the lucky ones that NTG works for!!

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